
俄亥俄州 Center for Equity in Mathematics and Science

欢迎来到 俄亥俄州 Center for Equity in Mathematics and Science. OCEMS is committed to strengthening collaboration, 协调, and communication among Patton College of 教育 faculty, newbb电子平台 faculty in other colleges, PreK-16 educators and administrators in the Southeast Ohio region and beyond, and other important stakeholders including faculty at other institutions. This work supports The Patton College of 教育 and newbb电子平台 missions.

The 俄亥俄州 Center for Equity in Mathematics and Science offers schools and school districts professional development for teachers in the form of traditional workshops, as well as through innovative and interactive sessions in classroom settings. 此外, PreK-12外展 projects focus on child-centered learning and can be designed to meet particular community needs.

For more information about collaborating on possible projects, funding opportunities, and/or hiring Mathematics and Science 教育 faculty for professional development workshops, 请联系:

Dr. Courtney Koestler
Director of the 俄亥俄州 Center for Equity in Mathematics and Science
巴顿大厅 321A


Dr. Courtney Koestler teaching a math methods undergraduate course


博士. Courtney Koestler brings expertise and focuses on issues of diversity, 股本, and justice in teaching and teacher education, in early childhood education, elementary education, teacher education, and mathematics education. Dr. Koestler is a former K-8 public school teacher and has taught in culturally, 语言, and economically diverse schools located in rural, 郊区, and urban communities. Dr. Koestler had been both a classroom teacher (grades 2, 4, 5, and 8) and has also worked as a mathematics coach. 自2005年以来,. Koestler has been a university-based teacher educator at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the University of Arizona, and now at newbb电子平台 as Director of OCEMS.

Dr. Koestler is actively involved with mathematics education and teacher education organizations, 比如 Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) 和 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)

In October 2019, Dr. Koestler was a featured presenter at the Patton College of 教育's biannual EdTalks, delivering an EdTalk entitled "Teaching is Not Neutral."

Dr. Koestler was also featured on the NPR podcast, Teaching Matters. Episode 113: Math and Science Teaching Challenges w/ Dr. Courtney Koestler.

点击阅读 Dr. Koestler’s profile